OmegaSpace [appox. 10m^2], normally aka Studio B, acoustically tuned by leading design company WSDG for solo performance. The implement of floating structure, acoustic measurement & simulation, etc guarantees to reach the international standard of audio facility.
[Wait... yes! it's all same as NovaSpace. We don't sacrifice the smaller space!!]
It comes with a dedicated control room - CR [appox. 16m^2], also the flagship console from Audient - ASP 8024HE [24ch.] - different sound taste with the same monitor system. CR offers two natural listening points like NovaSpace: mixer & producer spots. As it's physically smaller room, we paid more attention to below 350hz zone: placing two subs in diagonal corner to cancel first order length mode. All investment is for making space perfect.

The space is PERFECT & ONLY to:
1. Quick mastering & mixing
2. Vocal production
3. Editing
4 Live broadcasting [<2 ppl]
5. Creative composing