Sound is magic. You won't truly capture it by only using microphones & mic pres. There are more factors like space, temperature, etc. affecting it; even not mention the way you perceive it. 

But not every audio guy  is aware of it.
"Ah ha, it's ok, we have sound [from mic]" That's probably the most you've heard in studio from some "recording engineers". [RIDICULOUS!!] This is a "everyone-can-be-musician-&-engineer" world, inspired by some hit-songs made at home INDEED, but actually a very small amount of cases succeed. There are more stories behind songs.

I don't educate or change anyone's mind; however, there must be a relative standard [or threshold] of professional integrity, skills and aesthetic sense advocated by the industry practitioner of audio*. Pathetically, the "truth" belongs to the talkers**; and some commercial activities over-rate individuals and dominate audio industry in a weird way [IMHO].

Commercials are of important, but a healthy balance between arts and commercials is sacred nowadays; at least, the phase "Chinese music is dead" would be a false proposition in public. FACT: CHINESE MUSIC IS NOT DEAD and any kinds of music won't die, we have at least 3% of gifted musicians are swallowed by the crowd. It's urgent to filter the unwanted by higher standards and then reach a BALANCE (no bias will be better)***.


[rewind a little] It's perfect if you employ a dedicated equip.,[which I can provide] but you DO NEED to realize that you are fighting with physical world and nature. Once you step into NovaSpace, don't treat it as a studio, but a well-balanced and optimal space, a mind space, not an auto-tune space, although it's designed by a leading company - WSDG. We don't guarantee that you will receive a file which is perfect for any scenarios or suddenly, your vocal/instruments for instance, becomes untruly fantastic. I'm honest to the origin. [if you accept it, then it will be great]

the balance, accuracy & nature you perceive is what I value the most

I'm not saying giving up the creativity, being mediocre; inversely, the reason of mediocrity is that most of us struggle to learn tricks & techs, this & that too hard and blindly from the rest of world so that we lost in void.

Every one is DIFFERENT. The language & culture behind the pioneers of music/audio frames are various, that is they have already distinguished (not totally though) the way you perceive, think & approach.

WE LIMIT OURSELVES & UNDERRATE THE NATURAL VIBES OF OWN BACKGROUND. A more narrowed & localized ideology & methodology, which is more friendly and natural to vibe, would be a breakthrough & must be done, I think. ****

Forgetting the so-called golden rule (not fundamental theory) or golden equip. choice by non-audio-engineers (even producers) first, being brave and not playing safe game, WE ARE CREATORS. NovaSpace is a space that we refuse mediocrity & bullshit. We do run a business, a business that offers you various combination & a higher standard, a business that provides a space activating your cell, a business that we explore the possible ideology together.

I'm enjoying assisting artists to approach their technical "wishes" [if possible [don't tell me nothing is impossible]] and expressing my idea of the art of recording. That's an engineer should be like, otherwise a DAW operator will be enough.

Regarding to mixing [WE ARE NOT MAGICIAN]:
"Mixing is not creating though - we're trying to improve the sonics of something that has already been created, and to make sure it translates well in a wide variety of situations."  by Marc Mozart

Regarding to mastering:
Listening at loud levels is a form of "drug consumption".

I prefer to being an engineer [qualified, of course] because music performance is not my expertise. I won't provide any objective & subjective suggestion regard to composing [I care, I stay neutral for reasons]. Above is my ATTITUDE. I hope that's the reason we corporate, so think wisely.

Please feel free to contact me anytime!!

* I don't judge the concept of evolution or something greater or fancier in music industry, like meta-verse
** Those who always misguide the connection between music works and products. I know it's all about marketing
*** This is an unproven stats.; I believe only top 10% in industry are the real things (inspired by Daniel C. Dennett's INTUITION PUMPS) and this is only an expansion of philosophy, not my filed
**** Haven't figure it out
* Chinese music = Chinese language music, not traditional music
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